
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Protecting Your Baby From Bacterial Infections!

A new born baby’s fragile immature body system makes her susceptible to infections brought in by sudden change in her environment. She is dependent on the mother’s milk and vaccines to keep her away from infections in the early days of her life. New born babies are delicate and easy to be captured by pathogen and cause bacterial infection. Cipro like antibiotic can be used to rule out the infection, it is advisable to talk to the doctor before using any antibiotic to the baby.
As the baby grows her body movements and mobility increases, this increases the risk of infections. Adopting proper measures to prevent the baby from infections can help her spend a healthy childhood. To prevent your baby from infections you should take care of the following things:

Disease free mother: Preventing the baby from infections begins much before the baby is born. Many of the mother’s immune factors like, Immunoglobulin are transferred to the baby while she is still in the mother’s womb. So, the mother should take Tetanus Toxoid, flu vaccinations for the proper health of the mother and the baby.

Regular doses of vaccination: Vaccinations are an effective measure for prevention of a wide range of diseases and infections. Vaccines are active or passive antigens injected into babies blood stream. This result in the formation of respective antibody against antigen injected, this antibody produced then prevents the child from any diseases or infections. A baby is given vaccine immediately after her birth to prevent her from potentially life threatening diseases. While breastfeeding, some moisture may retain there and become hostile place for bacteria. So it is better to dry the lips and mouth area of the baby to prevent any bacterial infection. Cipro like antibiotic is useful but as directed by the doctor.

Wash your food before cooking: While cooking, all vegetable, fruits, non-vegetarian food products and other raw ingredients should be thoroughly washed and cleaned. As the baby grows her mobility increases and this increase the chances of infection. Introduce proper hygienic measures and habits as early as your baby begins to move around. Exercise proper hygienic measures in your household as well to prevent presence and growth of any infectious micro-organisms. The growth of infectious bacteria can be restricted by using antibiotic Cipro.

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