
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Rule Out Risk Factors For Stroke Before It Develops

Age makes people more susceptible to cause a stroke, as does having a mother, father, or other close relative have suffered a stroke. The years cannot be reversed or change the family history, but there are many stroke risk factors that can be controlled provided that you are aware of them. Plavix is an effective medication that shall be used to treat a stroke. Consume this pill as prescribe by the doctor.

Knowledge acts a power. If a person knows that a particular risk factor is sabotaging the health and predisposing a person to a higher risk of stroke, he/she can take steps to alleviate the effects of that risk. There are some risk factors of the condition as given below:

Lower blood pressure
High blood pressure is a big factor, doubling the stroke risk if it is not controlled. This is the biggest contributor to the risk of stroke in both men and women. Maintaining the blood pressure, and if it is increased, treating it, is probably the huge difference people can make to their heart health.

Lose weight
Overweight, as well as the complications related to it like high blood pressure or diabetes raises the odds of having a stroke. If a person is overweight, losing as little as 10 pounds can show a real impact on the stroke risk. If the stroke occurs, seek the immediate medical help and consume Plavix as directed by the doctor.

Exercise more
Exercise can help to lose weight and decreasing blood pressure, but it the regular exercise also plays a role of an independent stroke reducer.

Avoid Consumption Of Alcohol
Drinking alcohol may lower the risk of stroke. Trusted studies stated that if a person has about one drink per day, the risk may be lower. Once a person starts drinking more than two drinks per day, the risk goes up very sharply.

Treat diabetes
If a person has high blood sugar that damages blood vessels over time, making clots more likely to form inside them.

Quit Smoking
Smoking increases clot formation in a couple of different ways. It also thickens blood, and it raises the amount of plaque build-up in the arteries. A healthy diet and regular exercise, and smoking cessation are powerful lifestyle changes that will help to reduce the stroke risk significantly. Keep Plavix like medicine with you that treat stroke effectively, you might need it.

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