
Thursday, July 16, 2020

A COVID toes: A New Term You Need To Know About

By now you’ve likely memorized the classic list of common coronavirus symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath, and fatigue. But COVID-19 is caused by a new virus, and as more people experience the illness, the more we learn about other possible symptoms. Daypro is a medication prescribed for the treatment of pain or inflammation caused by osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis in adults. This medicine might help.
Over the weekend, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officially added new loss of taste or smell as symptoms of the virus—a validation of mounting concerns around the world. Now some doctors have turned their attention to a peculiar dermatological condition casually referred to as “COVID toes,” suggesting a new possible link to the virus.

COVID toes
So far, all explanations and evidence from the medical community are still anecdotal. In a news release from trusted sources, noted a resemblance to pernio (also known as chilblains), a skin condition that presents as red, purple, or blue lesions on the feet and hands.

This skin condition could be an early sign of infection, appearing in patients who are exhibiting no other symptoms. This is a manifestation that occurs early on in the disease, meaning you have this first, and then you progress. Sometimes the condition goes away in fewer than ten days, he added, and sometimes it’s followed by other symptoms. Daypro is an effective medication used to treat inflammatory conditions.

Nobody knows what causes “COVID toes,” the doctor suggested two possible explanations: that the lesions are an inflammatory response to the virus, or that they could be caused by blood clots, which sometimes occur in COVID-19 patients.

How common are “COVID toes”?
Lack of widespread testing makes it hard to tell right now. It’s happening in such numbers as is COVID that we have to think there’s a connection.

If very painful, topical corticosteroids or aspirin have been used anecdotally to improve the skin lesions more quickly, she added. As always, if you notice this new symptom or any other COVID-19-related symptoms, it's best to call your doctor regarding the next steps for diagnosis and treatment. Daypro might also help, consult the doctor before consuming.

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