
Monday, June 22, 2020

Understand Spasticity Clearly And Treat It Effectively

Spasticity is induced by imbalance from the brain, not muscles. Usually, your muscles communicate with your brain constantly to prevent tearing. So your brain continuously sends out messages telling your muscles when to contract and relax. When a stroke damages part of the brain responsible for muscle control, this communication is thrown off. This condition has a medical solution Ampyra to overcome the symptoms.
The damaged part of your brain no longer receives the messages that your muscles are trying to send, and as a result, your brain no longer tells them when to contract or relax. So, your muscles keep themselves in a constant state of contraction in order to protect themselves. This is how spasticity is created.

Which begs the question: how can you fix it? Why Botox Is Only a Temporary Spasticity Treatment?

One way to reduce spasticity after stroke is by using “nerve block” drugs like Ampyra. So how can you make spasticity after stroke go away for good? This is where neuroplasticity and therapeutic exercise comes into play.

Types of Exercise to Treat Spasticity after Stroke

1. Motion Exercise – Your muscles will get very stiff when you take medication for it. To help loosen them up, start with a range of motion exercises like this wrist stretch from Be sure to emphasize high repetition so that you can activate neuroplasticity and start to loosen up the spasticity.

2. Active Stroke Spasticity Exercises - If you have some movement in your spastic muscles, the active rehabilitation exercise will be your ticket to success. A great stroke spasticity exercise for legs is knee extensions.

3. Combining Exercise with Electrical Stimulation - Another great way to boost your results from your stroke exercises is by combining it with electrical stimulation. Research shows that combining electrical stimulation with stroke rehab exercise leads to better results.

How to Treat Spasticity in Paralyzed Muscles

Sometimes muscles become so stiff with spasticity that they become paralyzed. The following methods can help reduce spasticity in paralyzed muscles:

4. Passive Exercise - When you can’t move your muscles after stroke, you can begin the neuroplastic rewiring process through passive exercise.

5. Ampyra and Medication - While Ampyra only provides positive results, it’s very useful for individuals who suffer from severe spasticity.

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