
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Lower The Risk Of Claudication With Small Changes In Lifestyle!

Nowadays many health problems are developing due to an unhealthy lifestyle. This way, most of them can be controlled by changing lifestyles. One of those conditions is Intermittent claudication. With the changes in the lifestyle, Pletal is a medication that has to be consumed to overcome. The condition affects around 8.5 million Americans, according to the trusted source. But many people with this condition undiagnosed and don’t have symptoms. It is estimated that about 20% of the population over 65 has intermittent claudication due to PAD i.e. peripheral arterial disease.
Healthy living is necessary for improving treatment outcomes and reducing risks related to claudication and peripheral artery disease. Recommended changes in lifestyle are as following:

Smoking. If you are a regular smoker, quit it. It highly increases the risk of complications of peripheral artery disease. There are medications available for smoking cessation.

Exercise. The exercise plan advised by the doctor shall be followed. Regular exercise is a vital part of weight management and good heart health. With proper exercise medication like Pletal should not be missed.

Consume a healthy diet. Plenty of low-starch vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, and modest portions of lean meats, poultry, fish and low-fat dairy are the components of a healthy diet. It has to be maintained for a healthy lifestyle.

Foot care. You should consult the doctor about proper foot care. Inspect feet to ensure proper and prompt treatment of injuries. It is recommended to wear socks and appropriate shoes to support and protect feet.

There are risk factors which increase the risk of developing such condition are mentioned below:
Smoking, High cholesterol, High blood pressure, Obesity, Diabetes, Chronic kidney disease, Age older than 70 years, Age older than 50 years if you also smoke or have diabetes, and Medical history of atherosclerosis, peripheral artery disease or claudication. If you have any of this and showing symptoms of this condition discuss with the doctor and start consuming Pletal. It may help you to recover it soon.

There are certain things that can increase the severity of the condition and lead to complications. Claudication is mainly considered a warning of significant atherosclerosis in the circulatory system, which indicates an increased risk of heart problems and stroke. It also increases the complication of peripheral artery disease due to atherosclerosis that consists of skin lesions that don't heal, death of muscle and skin tissues, and amputation of a limb.

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