
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Are You Denying Your Alcohol Dependence? You Are Hitting the Bottom!

Alcohol dependence is the most serious form of drinking problem and describes uncontrollable desire to drink. Alcohol intake plays an important role in everyday life of alcohol dependent people such as building up a physical tolerance or experiencing withdrawal symptoms if stop drinking. Drinking excessive alcohol is the real damage to health and wellbeing. Alcoholism takes central role in the life, disturbs relationships, professional life, and social status. Alcohol Dependent person often end-up giving up important things in the life.

Unable to enjoy without drinking alcohol is the most common sign of Alcohol Dependence. Due to fall in blood alcohol levels, a person may show signs of withdrawal, such as sweating, shaking and nausea.

Accept The Fact That You are Alcohol Dependent
People convince themselves that Alcoholism happens only after drinking strong alcoholic stuff. That is not the case. In fact, denial is the number one symptom of Alcohol Dependence and the hallmark of addiction. Alcoholic people ignore their growing need of alcohol. They lie to themselves and others to avoid the facts of their change in behavior. This is progressive condition worsen with time. It may result in mental incapacitation or death. It is always better to accept the fact of problem and seek help as early as possible.

 Take A Wake-Up Call
The bottom for Alcohol Dependent person cannot be defined. Some are fired from job, suffered endless hangovers, arrested for DUI, landed in the ER from alcohol poisoning, and so on. It damages alcoholic people emotionally and physically. Before hitting new bottom, one has to take a wake-up call.

Try And Fulfill Your Promises
The condition of addiction is the only illness people can experience, while remaining oblivious to the fact that they have a serious ailment, which needs an immediate attention. Alcohol Dependence sabotages coordination between body and mind to keep addictive people captive to the whims of illness. It becomes difficult for alcoholic people to keep their promises due to this loss of coordination. 

Start Dealing With Alcohol Dependence Before You Hit the New Bottom!


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