It is estimated that 415 million adults were living with diabetes in 2015 by the International Diabetes Federation and it would be around 642 million by 2040. That means 1 in 10 adults. The condition becomes more prevalent in young people. They need to understand the importance of healthy lifestyle to prevent diabetes. Glucotrolis recommended medication to treat this condition.
This health condition leads to life threatening health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, blindness and kidney failure. Another effect of this condition is blindness that can be prevented with early detection and treatment. One of the popular medicines to treat diabetes is Glucotrol, which slow down the process of digestion. It helps to maintain the blood sugar level.
Know Diabetes:
· Type 1 diabetes: It is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks and destroys cells in the pancreas, where insulin is produced
· Type 2 diabetes: The body becomes resistant to insulin, and sugar builds up in the blood
· Gestational diabetes: It is high blood sugar during pregnancy caused by Insulin-blocking hormones
· Diabetes insipidus: This condition is not related to diabetes mellitus in which the kidneys remove too much fluid from the body
There are some risk factors that can increase the risk for such health condition. Some of them are mentioned below: Heredity, Obesity, Physically inactive, High blood pressure or High cholesterol, and History of polycystic ovary syndrome.
Treat The Condition As Early As Possible
The health condition Diabetes is treatable! Proper medication should be taken after consulting the doctor. It would be more beneficial to consume a healthy diet and follow daily exercises advised by the doctor. Most trusted solution for the treatment of diabetes is medication Glucotrol composed of Glipizide.
Active component Glipizide acts by slowing down the digestion process. Action of certain enzymes must be controlled to slow down the digestion of carbohydrates. Restriction of these enzymes is essential as they break food down into sugar. The medicine helps to keep blood sugar low even post-consumption of food.
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