
Thursday, January 30, 2020

Know Provoking Factors For Acne And Get A Flawless Skin

One of the common problems in adolescents is Acne. It can be observed in the form of blackheads or pimples. It appears mainly on the face, neck, back, and arms. This condition not only scars the skin but can also scar a people’s self-image and confidence. It occurs due to severe hormonal imbalances that can be completely cured.

This condition can be observed in people of the age of 11 to 30-year-old at some point in their lives. It influences both men and women. Younger men have higher amounts of male hormone which can intensify the condition. Most of the people have experienced acne at one point in time.

There are some provoking factors that cause Acne as mentioned below:
Innumerable factors that can exacerbate acne as follows:
Excessive use of cosmetics
Occlusive oils or gels used for hair and face
Intake of food items high in glycemic index
Medicines like steroids, androgens, etc.
Proteins used for bodybuilding

Acne can be managed by a multipronged approach that involves prompt acne treatment ensuring they do not leave scars, stopping the trigger of acne by targeting the culprit hormonal imbalance, addressing the pigmentation concerns, avoiding risk factors of acne, intake of a balanced diet, and proper skincare routine.

A mild type of Acne can be improved with topical antibiotics such as Achromycin V and retinoid. Some topicals help kill the bacteria while others work on reducing the oil. People with moderate acne might require oral antibiotics that can kill bacteria and decrease inflammation.

Severe acne may require retinoid medication such as Vesanoid, which is composed of active ingredient Tretinoin. It is the only treatment that works on all the causes of acne. In a few cases, it may require a detailed hormonal assay to cure polycystic ovaries, etc. Birth control pills may also work on hormones that can be helpful for women and some cases of adult-onset acne may require anti-androgen.

People can opt for an option of a mild peel that decreases acne, blackheads, open pores, post-acne pigmentation, and scars or Acne Clean Up that is designed to clear the skin with superficial blemishes and cleanse pores.

Acne Free Skin Is The Power Booster Of Confidence!

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Everything You Need To Know About Coronavirus

The outbreak of Coronavirus has begun form December 2019 in Wuhan, China. It is a cousin of the SARS virus that has infected hundreds. This virus was decoded by Scientist Leo Poon, who concluded that the condition started in an animal and had further spread to humans. It causes Pneumonia and resistant to antibiotic treatment, which is a known fact about the virus.

Know The Virus Coronavirus
This virus is common among animals. In rare cases, which is called zoonotic by scientists. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated that these viruses can be transmitted from animals to humans.
The condition shows common symptoms as given below:
  1. Moderate upper respiratory tract illness
  2.  Common cold
  3.  Runny nose
  4. Cough
  5. Sore throat
  6. Headache
  7.  Fever
People with a weakened immune system are at higher risk of severe effects as mentioned below:
  1. Pneumonia or bronchitis
  2. Diarrhea
  3.  Fatigue
  4.  Shortness of breath
  5.  Respiratory distress 
  6.  Kidney failure
Coronavirus at Wuhan can spread from human contact with animals. According to WHO, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome started in camels and civet cats were blamed for the SARS virus. It usually transmitted when someone comes into contact with the secretions of an infected person. Depending on the virus, it can be transmitted through touch or by touching something that an infected person has touched. 

The treatment for this condition is not specific. Usually, symptoms will go away on their own. At the primary stage, the doctor may prescribe medication of Pneumonia. According to CDC, a room humidifier or a hot shower can also help with a sore throat or cough. It is advisable to drink plenty of fluids, get enough rest, and sleep as much as possible.

Vaccination is not available for this virus. The risk of the infection can be reduced by avoiding people who are sick. Following are some common ways to reduce the risk:
  1. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
  2. Wash hands often with soap and water usually for at least 20 seconds
  3. Stay home. Avoid crowds and contact with others while feeling sick
  4. Mouth and nose shall be covered while coughing or sneezing
  5. Disinfect the objects and surfaces before touching

Coronavirus And Pregnancy
In pregnant women, the infection of MERS and SARS coronaviruses are more serious. It can lead to a stillbirth, spontaneous abortion, maternal death, or critical maternal illness.

Cats, Dogs And Other Animals
This virus can be caught by pets and infection can be more severe. It can lead to feline infectious peritonitis in cats and dogs. None of the infected cats or dogs develop symptoms.

The feline Coronavirus is asymptomatic but can lead to mild diarrhea. This condition in cats shows flu-like signs for a cat, or sometimes can cause organ failure. FIP is not contagious and will not spread from animal to animal or person to person. Pantropic canine coronavirus is one of the viruses which can be fatal to dogs and doesn't seem to spread to humans.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Prostate Cancer: The Love That Needs Care!

Prostate Cancer is a gradual cancer and most people do not show major symptoms until the cancer develops an advanced stage. Men with prostate cancer passes away of other unrelated causes, and undiagnosed condition.

There are some factors increase the risk of developing this health condition. Some are mentioned below:
Age: The risk of getting this condition increases with age. Out of 10 prostate cancers, 6 are detected in men above 60 years of age.

Diet: Intake of excess calcium through food like dairy foods or supplements has been linked with higher risk of causing prostate cancer.

Family history: This health condition seems to occur in families which suggest a genetic or inherited factor related to its causation.

Lynch Syndrome or Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer is a condition in which large bowel cancer is the most common feature. It is caused by inherited gene changes, which carry an increased risk for many cancers for instance Prostate Cancer.

Screening and Early Detection  
Early detection of this health condition can be done by testing the amount of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in blood sample of the man. Additional way to find this condition early is the digital rectal exam (DRE).

Abnormal results of one of these tests, gives a sign of developing prostate cancer. It is found as a result of screening with the PSA test or DRE is more treatable stage. However, both these tests are not accurate always.

Treating Prostate Cancer
Recently, robot-assisted radical prostatectomy become the advanced care for Prostate Cancer across the world. The laparoscopic surgery is can be performed using a robotic interface, also known as the da Vinci system. In this process, the surgeon sits at a control panel present the operating room and operate moves of robotic arms to operate through several small incisions in the abdomen of patient.

Robotic prostatectomy has benefits over the open approach in case of less pain, blood loss, and recovery time. For the expert, the robotic system offers more maneuverability and more precision when operating the instruments than standard laparoscopic radical prostatectomy.

Overcome Prostate Cancer Before The Love Season!

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Sniff! Sniff! Know Common Health Conditions In Winter!

In winter season weather changes, the air become chill, cold climate and accordingly human body has to adjust with the climate. Due to these changes in the environment, human bodies become susceptible to changes internally. Hence, everyone is prone to different common Winter Illness. These are like a common cold, fever, Allergic Rhinitis, tonsil infections, acute ear infections, etc.

Common Cold & Fever
The common cold is a viral infection. It causes by minor contaminations of the nose and throat. One of the recognized reasons for cold is Rhinovirus. This condition may last for a week, or sometimes longer, especially in children, in the elderly and those with the weakened immune system. Children feel weakness, sniff quite a few times, headache, body aches, cough, and tastelessness.

 There are seasonal allergens that can cause cold and develops into Allergic Rhinitis, which is also a common Winter Illness. Do not feed children anything cold, or that causes mucous including curd or banana especially at night. Prefer fruits and vegetables like oranges, pineapples, and nuts to boost the immunity of the kinds in the winter season.

Tonsil Infection
Tonsils work as a protection component that is situated on each side of the back of the throat. They help keep the body healthy. Tonsillitis is the condition in which tonsils are infected. It causes symptoms like irritation & pain in the throat, enlarged tonsils, unable to gulp food or liquid. Majorly it causes due to eating anything cold, virus or bacteria in the air.

Acute Ear Infection
An ear infection happens when bacteria or viruses influence the middle ear, the areas of the ear simply behind the eardrum. This infection can be painful as a result of aggravation and liquid development in the middle ear. It can be chronic or acute. Acute ear infections are last for a short time, which is painful. Common symptoms are ear pain, blocked ears, itchy ears.

The moisture in the ear can also lead to this condition. Allergic Rhinitis or an ear infection can occur even overnight, so give attention to it as early as possible before it hampers the lungs, ears, and sinusitis.

Bronchitis is also a very common Winter Illness. It is an infection of the lungs called bronchi. It causes irritation and inflammation of airways. The main symptom of this condition is a cough. It may also induce a sore throat and wheezing. Common signs of bronchitis are abdominal pain, diarrhea, excessive flatulence, vomiting, and fever. 

Change Winter Illness Into Wellness!